Sunday, November 16, 2008

the quarter for coffe guy

That guy, the other day, was taken away on a stretcher!
I dont know why!
I was sitting on Sproul, tabling, and then all of a sudden, a few men in blue with a stretcher walk by, and they go to the "Quarter for coffee?" guy, and he was sitting on a bench, and they were talking to him, and then all of a sudden, they took him away!
The next day, I see him back on his corner, and he no longer is saying "Quarter for coffee?" but he was talking about living off of .... about... $4.75 a day?? I dont remember the exact amount, but it was at least $4.
So strange...

Friday, November 14, 2008

and this is why i hate it when ppl say that "i hate my life"


melissa... I'm sorry....
RIP Yoko Mooring sensei...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


why am i upset?
my roomate.
here are a few quotes:

on prop 8:
"at least they still have civil unions"
"it's not as important as health care"

on obama:
"i voted for nader"
"mccain is smarter than obama"

how RUDE.